Amanda Rocheleau
Registered Social Worker
Compassion Fatigue Specialist
Public Speaker/Educator
Reignite your compassion
Redefine self-care
Reconnect with your authentic self
Are you in the business of helping others?
If so, you might have realized that sometimes it feels like there just isn't enough time, energy or drive to practice "self-care" after caring for others all day.
But you also know that you can’t pour from an empty cup...
This is the place where we can explore sustainable solutions so that you can
strive to be the awesome, compassionate helper that you are meant to be, and
still maintain your own wellness in the process.
(and I'm talking about way more than just having a hot bubble bath once in awhile!)

Fred Rogers said "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
Helpers are people that support the physical, psychological, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual well-being of others, and they come in all forms. Some helpers are paid professionals and others are in unpaid roles like caregivers, parents, volunteers or friends. Either way, helpers show up with open, empathetic hearts and hold space for people as they go through their struggle.
But it is not always easy to be the helper. Constantly being in a supportive role can come with chronic stress and sometimes can lead to psychological and emotional health issues. If you are a helper feeling burnt out and exhausted, know that you are not alone and you can get support here.
Amanda and her Associates offer education, peer support, consulting and counselling for individuals and groups in helping roles of all kinds. We provide client-centered and trauma-informed services that focus on supporting helpers in developing strategies that enhance psychological resiliency and optimal well-being.